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Fun Facts and Questions

Fun facts and questions can assist children, teenagers as well as adults to practice question forms.  It is, therefore, one way that enhances the teaching and learning processes and is used by several teachers in different regions.  When one starts using the Fun facts and questions, some students may be shy since they are not confident of their answers or even their language.  However, there are those who want to mention the answers confidently.  Since most classes have mixed abilities, those who are less confident can easily learn from the rest and thus have a better chance of learning to speak out even more confidently.  Additionally, the fun facts and questions allow the children some time to think about the answers.  It does not involve asking questions and shouting the answers. It allows the children some time to think through and then give their ideas and answers.  Since children can be cumbersome and difficult to teach, the fun facts and questions can be a method of enhancing the learning as well as the teaching process.  Children are amazed and happy when they learn about some of the fun facts. Find out more at


Additionally, this method allows a teacher to instill listening skills.  With children, the teacher should ask for attentiveness so that they understand questions and facts and then give their responses.  These skills become useful since the children learn to pay attention to what they do and what they are being told and taught.  Besides, it becomes a way of identifying the strengths of the various students in class.  As mentioned earlier, children have different levels of abilities and confidence.  The method thus encourages the better students to continue doing better, while it also helps the weaker and less confident students to become more confident and better.  The teacher also gets to enjoy the session since one listens to how children respond and answer the fun questions.  It is thus a means to prevent boredom in class.  Most of the times, it is good to break the monotony of reading aloud from notebooks and turning to the fun random history facts and questions to make sessions more interesting.


The fun facts and questions also allow the students to learn and discover new things.  As the students go through this journey, the teacher may also discover facts they did not know about.   The method also ensures that there is mystery during learning.  The teacher can separate unique from weird and from unusual.  The teacher can thus use fun facts about animals or even random history fact among others.

Check out for some random fun facts that you didn't know. 


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